Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Just wanted to say that I thought this movie was okay. After seeing the Prisoner of Azkhaban, and the first half of Goblet of Fire, I expected great things from the Order of the Phoenix. Unfortunately, what I saw before it annoyed me enough that we turned it off was a heavy-handed political statement. I just couldn't believe that any group of people would be so blind to a potential threat that they would act as if it didn't exist. I could see people creating a scapegoat group and blaming the trouble on them.

Not to mention the acting among the main kids has gone downhill again. The kid who plays Potter did well enough, but the chick who plays Hermione did awful. It didn't help that it felt like I'd missed a majority of... something. I don't think it has to do with not finishing Goblet of Fire since the second Matrix movie had the same feel... and I definitely saw all of the first movie.

However, overall the movie did all right. I haven't seen all of it, got too annoyed, but I think if I gave it another chance or watched it during a time when I don't feel so rushed, I think I would have enjoyed it more.