Friday, June 29, 2007

Still here

I've just been very tired lately. It doesn't have anything to do with staying up late then getting up early. Oh, no. [rolls eyes]

No time for reading. No inclination at the moment either. Most of what I've been reading has been online and in the form of news articles, especially those that have to do with the Colbert Report and the Daily Show. I love those news shows. They're what mainstream news should be.

I keed, I keed.

I've also been looking at Sesshoumaru/Rin fanfic. I don't know Japanese, but watching anime has been getting me interested in it. Must work on my French first. I think I'd rather read Les Miserables in the original language before I dive into Japanese manga.

In spite of this supposed lack of time for reading, I've finally solved a problem in a story that's been floating through my head for a couple years now. The main character had nothing that pulled me into him and the way I always saw him tended toward the bland. Now I finally have something that makes him larger than life and I've gotten excited about exploring that through writing.

Now I just need the time to write, lol.

My tomatoes are still alive and I'm in a mild state of shock over it. They aren't looking too good and will probably never have a single tomato on them, but it's nice to know they're more hardy than all those gardening books make them sound. We'll see if I can kill my fall garden instead.

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