Friday, September 14, 2007

Fullmetal Alchemist vol.2 and... Dragon Knights?

So, after my excitement over the first volume, my husband surprised me with the second. I read it in an afternoon and I'm still impressed. In fact, I enjoyed this volume better than the first.

The first was great when it came to action and humor. There was depth in the story, but not as much as the second. Reading the second is like wading in those swimming pools people get installed in their backyard... you know, the ones with the diving board? Anyway, it's like wading from the shallow end toward the diving board. There's a point where the ground dramatically slopes away and you realize you've just hit deep water. That's what volume two feels like.

The story of the Elric brothers continues (obviously) but this time in the course of looking for the Philosopher's Stone (or anything that might help them get their old bodies back) they end up meeting the Sewing-life Alchemist and his daughter. And what began as a fun romp takes a darker turn due to the new characters introduced. Events that seemed isolated begin to tie together until you realize the story is much bigger than you expected when you first started reading.

Overall, I enjoyed the depth. It's not overdone or maudlin. Characters behave just as you would expect them to behave and when they don't, it never seems out of character. The plot gets pretty thick in this one: I can see why people say InuYasha moves at a snail's pace if FMA is closer to the norm for decent plots. And yet, even though I felt a little breathless at the end due to the pace, it was never too much. It also helps that the humor doesn't go away. In fact, Hiromu Arakawa creates just the right balance of comedy to drama (and occasionally tragedy) to the point where I've decided that the first two volumes should be permanent features in any decent fantasy library, whether or not the author is into manga.

Oh, and just a quick note on the artwork... Hiromu Arakawa does a fantastic job of conveying emotions. I know very little else about art, so that's all I'll say for now.

Looking forward to volume three. :)


So, my step-mother heard that I'm into anime and manga (kind of hard not to since I've been gushing about the shows I've seen/comics I've read to just about everyone) and she mentioned a series some kids mentioned to her: Dragon Knights.

She knows I'm a Firefly, Terry Prachett kind of girl, so she thinks this will be right up my alley. In the reviews I've read on Amazon, it seems to be just as fun as she describes it, with just enough drama to keep the plot going.

But I'm not sure I'll be able to afford two long-running series. *sigh* We'll see. Necessities first, then fun.

And in the meantime, I've started writing again. Fifteen minutes a day at least. Actually, it's turned out more like one or two hours once or twice a week, but still, I'm shocked I'm getting any writing done at all considering all the other things I'm doing. I have FMA to thank. Most of the time when I read something, I end up not liking something about it and think, "I can do better than this." Often this gets me writing simply so I can prove to myself that I really can do better. Every fantastic book I've read has actually kept me from writing, since I feel I can never write as good as the book I've just read.

However, FMA has had an effect I've never felt before. I haven't found any fault with it, and yet I haven't stopped writing. I read it and couldn't wait to jump back into my own world... not because I think I can do better. I just want to write again. Odd.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Full Metal Alchemist vol. 1

Dang... it's been a while.

So, just because he's nice, my significant other bought me the first volume of Fullmetal Alchemist. The manga. I'm learning (after seeing the first episode of FMA on TV) that when given a choice between manga and anime, I should try to go for the manga. Luckily, I was able to immerse myself in this incredible world with hardly any interruptions this weekend.

For those who don't know, FMA is about two guys, both alchemists. One is named Edward, the other Alphonse and both tried resurrecting their mother using the art/science of alchemy. The theory, they said, was perfect. Unfortunately, they didn't understand as much as they thought: Edward lost a leg, while Alphonse lost everything. Edward sacrificed his arm and only managed to get his brother's soul in return, which he sealed inside a suit of armor. And their mother... well, let's leave that to the imagination for now.

You can't get something for nothing. It's the law of alchemy in the world of FMA, the principle underlying the whole structure. But there's a legend that an object exists -- the Philosopher's Stone -- that bends the law, allowing a person to get far more than they put in. And in the hands of an alchemist that means the ability to become godlike. Ed and Al want the stone, but not for ultimate power. They only want their original bodies back... and they aren't even sure the Stone is powerful enough to grant them their wish.

But when you have a source of godlike power, it's pretty much a guarantee that someone else, with motives far less pure than the protagonists, is going to want it as well. And that's where the fun really comes in.

Overall, I found the first volume of the manga fantastic. The characters were shown clearly and with a sense of fun that's missing from a lot of other books I've read. In spite of the humor, there's a philosophical backbone to this story that has me completely hooked. It shows itself best in the first half of the volume where Ed and Al rid a desert town of a crooked prophet/priest. The action, though strong, balanced well with the philosophy instead of overwhelming it like in the anime. The dialogue was far more subtle and intelligent in the manga, with information given in just the right doses instead of getting shoved in my face (anime).

At $10 a book I'm not sure I can afford this new addiction. However, considering the beauty of what I've read so far, I wouldn't be surprised if I considered it a vital addition to any library in a few more months. We'll see.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Life happens

Sorry I've been gone so long. I promise it won't happen again.

While I was away from this blog, two things occurred that I will add to cyberspace, though they really don't deserve much mention.

First, my tomato plants finally died. Hopefully, my fall garden will fare better.

Second, I went through a three-day reading marathon trying to finish Bleak House. I then realized why I take so long to read Dickens' novels. See, the problem with any novel is that a novel usually has a plot that requires every single page between the covers in order to be properly told. Novels with many pages tend to either 1) have many characters who interact in many ways, thus creating a very intricate plot or 2) have an excessive amount of "padding".

Padding can be just about anything: characters who could easily be cut out, plot points that tend to be repeated with different points of view, themes that get stressed with the subtlety of a sledgehammer... or, as is usually the case with Dickens, descriptions that seem to go on and on and on and on with a detail that seems quaint in today's "sum it up in 30 words or less" society.

For three days I tried to finish Bleak House... and by the end of the three days I put it down for a rest because Bleak House happens to fit both 1) and 2), though I will admit BH has a lot less padding than some other novels I've read. However, by the time I reached the part where one of the characters spontaneously combusts, and they're about to hold an inquest, not because it's necessary to move the plot along but because Dickens' editor didn't feel people would be willing to believe a character could spontaneously combust so let's trot out the forensics so people won't stop reading the story... sorry... got off track. As I was saying, it's such a detailed affair that I ended up putting the story down. In a few more days, I think I'll pick it up again, skim the inquest for any relevant info and get back to the plot.

In the meantime, I've been feeling the itch to write again. For those who don't know, I put off writing so that I could focus on my family. Here's hoping I'll be able to get the itch under control before it forms a rash.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Still here

I've just been very tired lately. It doesn't have anything to do with staying up late then getting up early. Oh, no. [rolls eyes]

No time for reading. No inclination at the moment either. Most of what I've been reading has been online and in the form of news articles, especially those that have to do with the Colbert Report and the Daily Show. I love those news shows. They're what mainstream news should be.

I keed, I keed.

I've also been looking at Sesshoumaru/Rin fanfic. I don't know Japanese, but watching anime has been getting me interested in it. Must work on my French first. I think I'd rather read Les Miserables in the original language before I dive into Japanese manga.

In spite of this supposed lack of time for reading, I've finally solved a problem in a story that's been floating through my head for a couple years now. The main character had nothing that pulled me into him and the way I always saw him tended toward the bland. Now I finally have something that makes him larger than life and I've gotten excited about exploring that through writing.

Now I just need the time to write, lol.

My tomatoes are still alive and I'm in a mild state of shock over it. They aren't looking too good and will probably never have a single tomato on them, but it's nice to know they're more hardy than all those gardening books make them sound. We'll see if I can kill my fall garden instead.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Like I said... I hate gaps

I've been working on reading Bleak House in my spare time. It's a surprisingly angry novel: Dickens at his sarcastic best. What drew me to the book is that (if the Masterpiece Theater show I saw didn't change it) it doesn't have a happy ending. Well, it kind of does. But not a true Dickens ending where you know "everything will be all right" [insert kind pat on head from author].

So far, it's also a good example of how an author can break the rules and should break the rules of writing. He flows effortlessly from third person to first, takes caricatures and somehow turns them into characters, weaving their lives together around a single civil suit.

Not that I enjoy all the book. I'm not very fond of Mr. Jarndyce so far. He seems too nervous and jumpy though there are small moments where he says something that belies a greater wisdom than he usually shows. I hope to see more of those moments as I continue reading.

On a different note: my tomato plants, in spite of my neglect, have somehow managed to live in the hideous Texas heat. We'll see how long that lasts. [evil laugh]

Monday, June 11, 2007

What You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Child with Autism

What You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Child with Autism, a book by Jonathan Levy, is a fantastic overview of basic principles that help children with autism leave their comfortable world and step out into the real one: with joy, not pain.

I think this is a very important distinction. My two eldest children are in the autistic spectrum, one struggling more than the other, and we have been using these principles off and on for the past year. They are simple, yet difficult to put into practice. Why? Because many of these principles require the parent to reexamine their own emotions and beliefs regarding their child.

This sounds easy. Trust me, it's not. It requires giving up the notion that your child "should" be normal (whatever that is) or that he "should" be more obedient, or "should" be calm whenever you get the vacuum cleaner out. Why should a person examine their beliefs? Because children with autism pick up on emotions and attitudes on a level most don't, and they have very little reason to want to be in the real world in the first place: even less if they don't feel they're truly wanted. The real world is full of noises, colors, shapes, and movement that overwhelm their senses to the point of physical pain. Let's face it, most parents have difficulty figuring out what their average children want. Give them a child who doesn't want to talk or even point, who only wants to stay safely cocooned in their world, and frustration builds up on both sides.

This is where beliefs become crucial. It's very easy for a parent to give up on an autistic child or just shuttle the child off to school (special or public) or put the child in an institution. If that's all you can do, then I don't think anyone should feel any guilt over doing that. However, most parents have the ability, especially during this time of homeschool freedom, to do far more, if they believe they can and if they believe their child can. And a child who feels their parent believes in them can do miracles.

Jonathan Levy's book is a great help for parents who are willing to truly take a look at their child and themselves in an effort to understand the most frustrating question for parents of autistic children: Why? I strongly recommend this book. The information's organization is fantastic, the questions are well-thought out, and the worksheets are surprisingly fun. Plus, the anecdotes and analogies make sense and tie in to the point Levy wants to make. Overall, very well written and informative.

On a personal note: we've been using these principles for a year now* and have seen quite a bit of progress with our two eldest. There's still a lot of work to be done, but with each step forward, we see more hope for the future of our children.

*Note: we learned these principles through the Son-Rise® program, offered by the Autism Treatment Center of America (the same organization where Levy learned these principles and taught them as well). They are very enthusiastic regarding child-centered, parent-led therapy. Although the information is not as well-organized as Jonathan Levy's book, I still would recommend any parent with an autistic child to go through ATCA's programs. I recommend reading Levy's book first, though, so that the more in-depth coverage of these principles during the training programs will sink in faster.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Square Feet, FlyLady and Tomatoes

I've just finished reading Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew (the older version where he talks about improving your local soil). I've just started gardening, so I can't review the content with an experienced eye. However, he does a great job of making gardening sound fun... and not nearly as time consuming as you would think. Not only do you use less time, you also use fewer tools and fewer seeds: seeds that can then be stored for next year. A money-saver all around.

There's only one thing that pervades his theory that might turn some people off. Although he shows variations for those with very little time for gardening, the key to really great gardening is doing a little each day. This is a concept that some might not want to hear, either because they already have their day filled up with worthy causes (very likely) or they're just lazy (not so likely).

So, for those who are willing to devote a few minutes each day to growing your own food/herbs/flowers/etc. I highly recommend Square Foot Gardening, especially if this is your first garden.

On a side note, for those who can't seem to find an organizational system that works for them, I would recommend FlyLady. I've been too busy lately to keep up the email in her group, but the system itself is rigid enough for anyone to follow, yet flexible enough to adapt through many life changes and for many situations. The three keys of her system (principle-wise) are:

- time limits
- setting routines
- writing things down

One of the sayings she uses pretty often is "You can do anything for 15 minutes". And it's true. Part of the problem in keeping up with anything is the idea that one will be spending an ungodly amount of time doing something they don't really want to do. Combine that with the chaos most people have in their lives from trying to take care of work, home and family all at once and soon you find your life has turned into a plate-spinning routine. Work plate spinning okay? Good, let's take care of the housework plate; it's starting to wobble. Uh-oh! Junior's skipping school... the family plate is about to topple. Quick! Give it a spin! Time to race back to work... and I think you get the idea.

The beauty of FlyLady's program is that her beginner's section starts off with the most important things and moves outward from there (it reminds me of something I saw once regarding the priority Muslims give various parts of their lives when it comes to generosity). She starts with one bit of housework (shining your sink) then moves you off to taking care of yourself. When you get back to housework, she actually gives you a decent plan for decluttering focusing on the concept of keeping a time limit to any and all work done... or not done.

That's right. If the timer goes off and you still haven't finished vacuuming the floor, tough. Put the vacuum away. The point of all this is encapsulated in the second principle: routines.

There is no more spring cleaning if you follow FlyLady's system. No grab and stash, no hidden "treasures" in closets, and definitely no whining about not having enough time. Using the time limit, you do a little bit every day in certain areas of the house. The downside to this is if you're used to cramming as much into every time slot as you possibly can. Soon, that fifteen minute rule isn't going to give you any peace at all. That's why I would personally suggest scheduling fifteen minute breaks, just like you would have at a "real job" if you're a homemaker or do 45 minutes of housework, then take a 15 minute break (part of her Crisis Cleaning schedule).

When you keep up with your routines on a consistent basis, housework becomes much easier to manage and soon the people around you will start cleaning up after themselves as well (I've seen this myself).

Now, some might argue that these are things that are pretty obvious. The problem is that my generation was raised by women who didn't think much of housework and let that sense of chaos seep into the rest of their lives. Rules were bad things when I was growing up (unless I did something my parents didn't like) and cleaning was something that... well, when I was growing up it wasn't even mentioned. No one every showed me how to clean my room: I taught myself. Every bit of housework was the same way. The biggest problem was trying to figure out how to organize my time so that the house stayed clean without exhausting me in the process. I've noticed more than one person from my generation who's trying desperately to figure out how to do this "house maintenence" thing as well... and realizing it's about a lot more than housework. It's an attitude we were raised with about anything that smacked of order.

Obviously, some kinds of order are bad. But not all kinds. FlyLady helps those who have no idea where to even start find, not only the path to cleanliness, but also a series of signs to help along the way.

I will warn the stoics out there: FlyLady's emails in her group tend to be a bit emotional at times. If you don't mind that, join up. The system works best with the emails, but it's not absolutely necessary. Just like I discovered that, for me, getting dressed in lace-up shoes every day was a literal health hazard.

On an entirely different note: I'm hardening my tomatoes this week. That means I slowly get them used to being outside. Yes, it's very late for tomatoes. That's why I have them in a container instead of in the ground. Hopefully, they'll bear some fruit this year. Either way, I'm glad I started growing something.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What is this blog supposed to be anyway?

I'm not entirely sure. I've heard that all plans are a common point of departure so even if I have a plan for this blog (which I do) I doubt it will continue to be what I originally wanted by the time I'm finished with it.

However, I also tend to write. Outlines are good. Very good.

Writing means I also have a tendency to read. So, I think this blog will mostly be about what I've been reading, both online and off. Be warned. I read a lot of different things on a lot of different topics and I tend to have opinions on what I've read. Sometimes those opinions will be rather long.

Hiding in among the book reviews/comments will be notes on my current hobbies and homemaking in general. Otherwise there would be large gaps in this blog and gaps, no matter where they occur, are unsightly to say the least.

So, to sum up: this blog will focus on books I've read and things I'm doing.


I mean, welcome.